dMk Free

Connect your kids to the Quran, with epic stories and inspiring lessons

Putting the fun in the fundamentals:


Dramatic series that cultivate love for Allah, His Messenger, and concepts from the Quran
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Printables, worksheets and art activities for you to enjoy with your family
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Inspirational nasheeds that you can sing along with your Muslim kids all day, every day!
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Sticky Situations (Free Series!)

Learn six, easy to implement, tips to develop a strong Islamic mindset because Muslim kids know, that's the mindset that helps us win.

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Laylatul Qadr Live

Join the dMK community for a tiny tafseer of Surah Qadr, making an action plan for last 10 nights, and more! Download the class materials here:

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Laylatul Qadr Gameshow

The T-Rex of Taraweeh is back for a fresh new Laylatul Qadr special gameshow!

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Allah Loves - E2: Allah Loves Justice

We learn about yet another trait that Allah (ﷻ) loves as The Professor’s favorite books are ruined and he becomes suspicious of everyone! The King gets involved to help find the culprit and reach a fair decision.

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Women of Jannah - Aasiya

A mother settles down for a post-salah storytime with her daughters to relate the complete story of Asiya, wife of Firawn. Interwoven with the story of the early years of Prophet Musa’s life, the story focuses on her bravery and her very special place in Jannah.

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Hajj Camp - The Hajji Games

An exciting gameshow to tickle your brain cells! A series of quizzical questions to learn about numerous Islamic topics, and to grow together. Keep track of your points at home, are you Team Vania or Team Fatima?

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Allah Loves - E0: Intro to Shukarland

Welcome to the beautiful kingdom of Shukarland! Let's meet our dear friends who love Allah and see how they try their best to be the kind of people Allah loves.

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14 Beautiful Names - E4: Al Malik

King, Doc and Prof argue about who is most important in taking care of the cat. They learn that all their claims to importance belong best to The King of all kings. Doc tells us a little about the sun and moon and Aunty Hiba reminds us of the signs of Allah.

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Isra wal Miraj Live Class

Join the dMK community to learn about Isra wal Miraaj, what the earthquake is teaching us, a goal we can all set, and what to look forward to this Ramadan. Get the worksheet for this class from the Printables section of the website.

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- Aizah Ashraf

"A beautifully made program. The content, the vigour, the research, the detailing and the effort that went into it was is a small community here where we live and my son was feeling so sad when we watched the last session!"

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