
Fantastic Moves for a Fit Ramadan

Assalamualaikum Dear MuslimKids!

Ramadan is here and we know you’re most excited for the yummy samosas and pakoras and pizzas and donuts and chocolate desserts that Mom keeps making all month long. 

But did you know? Ramadan is not only about these foods! Shocking, we know!

As tempting as that Iftar spread is, it is also very important to keep moving to keep our bodies and mind healthy.  Here are our top five moves that are super fun and keep us busy from thinking of all that food!

1. Jumping Jacks

Count out 10 jumping jacks or as many as you can do!

2. Scissor Jumps

Position right leg in front of the left. Jump up and switch legs so the left leg is forward. Stay in place. Repeat back and forth. Count to 10 if you can!

3. Touch Your Toes

Stretch up to the sky on tippy toes and then bend down to touch the ground. Repeat 10 times!

4. Bounce It Out

Sit on an exercise ball. Get those legs pushing off the ground. Great for balance and core strength.

5. Yoga Pose

Do the famous Cat and Cow stretch. Start on all fours and curl back up into an arch like a cat and then flatten back and stick your tailbone out like a cow. A slow and easy one to do right before Iftar!

There you have it! Practice the high energy ones after Maghrib to get some blood pumping through your body. Do the slow ones during fasting to retain your energy. Get Mama, Baba and your siblings moving with you for extra fun!

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