Allah Loves
E5: Allah Loves Taqwa

E5: Allah Loves Taqwa

Things are abuzz at the Ramadan Moon Market! While everyone applauds the winner of a buzzer game, Aunty Hiba chooses the perfect example to explain the deeper meaning of a trait that Allah (ﷻ) loves. During all of the excitement, The King and The Jester nearly get into a fight.

E5: Allah Loves Taqwa
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Let’s Learn

       1. Taqwa is often defined as piety or being conscious of Allah. Taqwa can also mean fearing Allah, i.e., being afraid of losing His love.

       2. The Prophetic du’a we can make to attain Taqwa and the blessings of Allah.

       3. The benefits of having Taqwa. Some of which are:

           a. Being able to identify the difference between right and wrong

           b. Finding ease in times of difficulty

           c. Recognize and act in accordance to the guidance of Allah (ﷻ)

Let’s Talk

      1. How do you respond when someone challenges you to a fight?

      2. Have you ever been in a situation where Taqwa stopped you from getting revenge?

      3. Do you think having Taqwa is easy?

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