Nuh (a)
E1: Nuh (a)

E1: Nuh (a)

It’s story time once again in the kingdom as rain pours down long and hard! Everyone gathers around to listen as Aunty Hiba tells the thrilling story of Nuh (a), the MANY years he spent spreading the message of Allah (ﷻ) and how he built a massive ship to survive the worst storm ever!

E1: Nuh (a)
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Let’s Learn 

  1. The story of Nuh (a) and how he remained patient, fulfilling the command of Allah (ﷻ) generation after generation.
  2. Nuh (a) was called the second father of humankind because after the flood, only the people, birds and animals in his ark remained, restoring all of humankind.
  3. Sabr, Du’a and Tawakkul can bring the blessings of Allah in unexpected ways.

Let’s Talk

  1. What are some ways to stay consistent with things that Allah has commanded us to do?
  2. Do you like taking care of animals or any other creations of Allah (ﷻ)?
  3. Has anyone ever mocked you for being Muslim? How did it make you feel?
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Nuh (a)

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