E7: Fatima - The Excellent

A mother and her daughters talk about family resemblance and she decides to tell them the story of Fatima (r) who was exactly like her beloved father, the Prophet (ﷺ) in character, and mannerisms, and the importance of doing everything with excellence, a special characteristic of Fatima (r).

E7: Fatima - The Excellent
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Let’s Learn!

  1. Fatima (r) had the best behavior with her father, she respected and obeyed him, loved him and cared for him, like nobody else, earning a very special place in her father’s heart.
  2. Fatima (r) was content and patient in every circumstance and generous despite her own financial constraints, seeking to earn Allah’s (ﷻ) Pleasure in every possible way.

Let’s Talk!

  1. What do you think it means to be generous even when you don’t have that much?
  2. Can you think of something you can do regularly with ihsan?
  3. In what way do you think you resemble your father? In which way are you different?
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