Women of Jannah
E5: Khadija - The Pure

E5: Khadija - The Pure

Two daughters bring their mother a plate of food, ending up in an impromptu story session about Khadija (r), the beloved wife of our Prophet (ﷺ). She tells her daughters about the purity of her character, her unshakable faith in, and support of the Prophet (ﷺ).

E5: Khadija - The Pure
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Let’s Learn!

  1. Khadija (r) was from a noble and wealthy family, and even before Islam was a person of pure characteristics, always generous, and kind, and never practiced idol-worship.
  2. Khadija (r) recognized the good in the Prophet (ﷺ), and chose him despite having suitors from the wealthiest, the most noble of the Makkans.  
  3. Khadija (r) always supported the Prophet (ﷺ) and the Muslim community, in every way, and as generously as she could and this led to her being known as Umm ul-Mumineen, the Mother of the Believers!

Let’s Talk!

  1. What do you think it means to be loyal to and supportive of someone you love?
  2. What was your favorite part of Khadija’s story?
  3. If you had your own business, what would you like to sell?
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